Courtesy of Haymaker Farm
Born: March 6th, 2024
S: Haymaker Farm Hero of Ukraine VVV 87
D: Old School Creamery Clementine VEEV 88​
SS: Old Mountain Farm Smart Alec
SD: FeatherNScale ChocolateDipped 4*M VEEE 91
DS: Terre Haute Farm Sovereign
DD: Old School Creamery Katja Jr
​We have admired the herd at Haymaker Farm for several years and jumped at the chance to bring Satsuma home. It was good timing as we went on to see her glamorous dam Clementine winning big with her human Stacey in 2024, including Reserve Champion at the fiercely competitive Little Sunny Sisters. (We also got the chance to hang out with her sire Hero at the Altamont Buck Extravaganza and a handsomer, sweeter, more correct buck I have rarely met in person.)​​
"Suma" is developing into the WIDEST doeling in the herd, which is exactly why we wanted to bring her in. She appears set to mature into a super deep and wide doe who takes after her dam. Satsuma is an honorary Alpine as she went into the quarantine stall with our Kickapoo-Valley Real Synergy and immediately bonded to her. She doesn't know she is a Nigerian Dwarf and spends all her time browsing with three Alpine besties. Possibly as a consequence of this, Suma has a GREAT BIG PERSONALITY.
She is blue eyed, but her most striking feature is her facial lightning bolt. She is slated to be bred for the first time in fall 2024 as long as she makes weight (and just try and stop her).
Appraisal History
Not yet appraised